Building potential
beyond a diagnosis.
About IA
Our students earn a fully-accredited high school diploma.
The Independence Academy is a 501c3, state-accredited private school in Indianapolis. IA is dedicated to serving central Indiana families who seek a more innovative, comprehensive and understanding approach to achieving the educational and social growth needs of students on the autism spectrum.
Our school serves fourth through twelfth grade diploma-track students, most of whom arrive to us feeling frustrated and struggling both academically and socially. The Independence Academy offers a judgement-free, positive environment where students begin to feel accepted for the individual they are.
Our mission.
To create the most inviting, multidimensional school that provides students with autism access to an evidence-based academic curriculum; sensory-friendly amenities; personal, social and emotional skill-building; and life-affirming success.
From our school director.
“There is no greater reward than a successful, satisfied student and family.”
—Marisa Gill
Welcome to our innovative autism school.
I’m delighted you’ve decided to look into The Independence Academy. As an ever-questing school, we would love to have a warm relationship with you—please join our circle and embrace the educational opportunities, support, and all that our school has to offer your student.
I feel privileged to help lead the finest diploma track school in Indiana, specifically developed for students on the autism spectrum. With our inspiring students, outstanding staff, and supportive community, we pride ourselves on expecting excellence. All of these attributes make our school extremely successful. Our goal is to continue our tradition of delivering a specialized education to students on the spectrum—students that are often overlooked or underserved.
Student needs are placed above all else. We focus on improving academic excellence to ensure every student: meets all state high school graduation requirements; is ready for college, career and independent success opportunities beyond the diploma; and has built an applicable understanding of social, emotional and life skills.
IA’s accreditation means that we have met and maintain a high level of educational standards, and are aligned with good practices.
In 2018, IA received provisional accreditation through The Independent Schools Association of the Central States. ISACS leads schools to pursue exemplary independent education.
The Independence Academy is accredited by the Indiana State Board of Education. The SBOE accredits both public and non-public schools that choose to seek accreditation under law. IA offers a curriculum that is in line with state standards, and also participates in state-required standardized testing with accommodations for our students.
Indiana is committed to providing all children access to quality educational opportunities. The state’s Choice Scholarship Program—commonly referred to as the voucher program—provides scholarships to eligible students to offset tuition costs at participating Choice Schools like The Independence Academy. To qualify, families must satisfy household income requirements and student eligibility criteria.